The Book Cover


THE BOOK COVER – An ultimate Manual to Learn how professionals make book covers design –

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Learn how
make book covers

Bilingual edition English/Portuguese.

Hand Covers Selo

Appeal to your senses with a cover with multiple densities to touch and feel.

Covers selo 4

Eco-friendly paper, manufactured from sustainable forests and non-toxic, plant-based inks.

Covers selo made in Portugal

Made by experienced craftsmen and state-of-the-art technology. From Portugal, with love.

Covers selo 6 Badge

The follow-up of the internationally awarded The Book Block.

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Book Cover pattern

Like a pro

The Book Cover is the ultimate guide to cover-making, explaining several techniques with over a hundred variations.

Get the tools you need

160+ pages, in English and Portuguese, filled with examples and pro tips, thoroughly illustrated. From timeless to contemporary techniques, supported by decades of practical experience.

Book Cover Detail
A Capa do Livro

Judge a cover by its book

The book that does what it preaches, an example of covermaking in and of itself. You can feel its most subtle details with your own hands.

We care.

Printed on Munken paper, 100% eco-friendly, manufactured from sustainable forests and using vegetable inks. Made by experienced craftsmen and state-of-the-art technology. Premium materials, premium skills — from Portugal, with love.

Crafmanship 2
Book Block awards

The follow-up of a best-seller

Second book in the “Making a Book” collection, where our debut, The Book Block, got 4 international awards in 2020.


Ruben Dias - Red

Ruben Dias

PhD in Design, associate of the internationally awarded Itemzero Studio and teacher at ESAD  — Matosinhos. Consultant on type and typography, world wide lecturer, also authored Manual do Tipógrafo and Imprimere’s book.

Rui Oliveira Red

Rui Oliveira

Gráfica Maiadouro’s Director and Production Manager for over 30 years. Actively looks towards integrating his client’s projects, offering technical solutions with his vast experience has a cornerstone.

Fabio Martins Red

Fábio Duarte Martins

Type and Editorial Designer, Fábio works regularly with Creative and Art Directors. He writes and teaches at IADE. Fábio is an associate at Itemzero and creates typefaces through Scannerlicker Type Foundry.

Ricardo Dantas Red

Ricardo Philippe Dantas

Internationally awarded Editorial Designer. He teaches at ESD  —  IPCA and LSD  —  Lisbon School of Design. With research and writings on book page morphology. Ricardo is an associate at Itemzero.

Additional information

Weight 0,342 kg

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